Average Short Tricks Practice Questions PDF Quantitative Aptitude

 Average Short Tricks Practice Questions:-

Today we shear Average Short Tricks Practice Questions PDF Quantitative Aptitude. we have prepared practice exercises categorized into many Type, like Easy Level, Moderate Level and Hard Level keeping in view various exam pattern.


In simple terms, averages usually refer to the sum of given numbers divided by the total number of terms listed. Averages = (sum of all terms)/ number of terms Average is the estimation of the middle number of any series of numbers. we provide here Average Short Tricks Practice Questions PDF Quantitative Aptitude 

Rule : In the Arithmetic Progression there are two cases when the number of terms is odd and second one is when number of terms is even.

Rule : The average of the series which is in A.P. can be calculated by ½(first + last term)

Rule : If the average of n numbers is A and if we add x to each term then the new average will be = (A+ x).

Rule : If the average of n numbers is A and if we multiply p with each term then the new average will be = (A x p).hich can also be applied on the same principle as the above, i.e. subtraction and division.

Rule  : In some cases, if a number is included in the series of numbers then the average will change and the value of the newly added term will be = Given average + (number of new terms  x increase in average).This value will also same as the New average + (number of previous terms  x increase in average ) .

Rule :  In some cases  a number is excluded and one more number is added in the series of the number then the average will change by q and the value of the newly added term will be = Replaced Term + (increased in average x number of terms ).

Rule : There are two more cases when the series is divided into two parts.

C 1 : When the term is excluded.
Average(total ) + number of terms in first part x {average (total) – average (first part)} + number of terms in second part x {average (total) – average (second part)}

C 2: When the term is included.
Average (total) + number of terms in first part x {average (first part) – average(total) }+ x number of terms in second part x {average (second part) – average (total)}

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