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10 Best Motivational Books for Students

Students often suffer from depression due to stress, work load, and exam pressure. To overcome this situation, we’re providing the list of best motivational books for students so they will remain motivated and achieve success.

List of Top 10 Motivational Books for Students

1. Bhagavad Gita for students

The Bhagavad Gita for Students by Swami Atmashraddhananda, published in 2015, is one of the best books for students. The mine of truth and wisdom motivates students to do their deeds without thinking of the outcome.

The book’s main focus is on describing that Change Is the Law of the Universe, while the book’s essence is to teach students to stand up again if they fall. The book reveals the theories of focus and belief. The book has answers to all questions rouses in a student’s mind.

The book’s great concept of limits and time management are also key features. It makes it a must-read book for students as it is a great motivator and treasure of knowledge.

2. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind        

The book by Joseph Murphy in 1963 is a self-help book that will train you to attract positivity in life.

The book teaches how to use your visualization to make things work; it emphasizes removing mental blocks and waking up certain parts of your mind, which helps you regain positivity and adopt healthy behavior.

3. Fear Not Be Strong

Fear Not to Be Strong, a book by Swami Tathagatananda, published in 2013, is a presentation of a message by Swami Vivekananda to be fearless. The book teaches the direction of thoughts and to stand strong on your decisions, which make it a must-read for students.

It is the powerhouse of motivation to follow your path strictly and positively. It generates the thought of mind to overcome fear and to achieve your desires.

4. Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter wrote the Rich Dad, Poor Dad book. It promotes the significance of financial literacy, financial independence, and investment. Its feature of understanding stability makes it an appropriate book for student readers.

The book opens up a loop of thoughts forcing on financial instability; it cultivates the knowledge of real estate investment and wealth mindset is the key to make money.

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5. The Aspirant: Memoirs of a Monk Turned Civil Servant

The Aspirant, an incidental book by Mathew Joseph, an Autobiography published in 2021, talks about the author’s real-life experience and incidents. This is the story of a man who wanted to become a monk but ended up working as a civil servant. As a feature of the book, it generates curiosity in readers, which helps them focus on the present, which is why it is a good motivational pick for students.

6. The Power of Habit

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg was published in 2012. The book analyzes habits in detail, covering why they exist, how they function, and how they can be changed. It also presents ideas of such habits which lead us to success. Creating requirements and implementing good habits which lead to desired results is a feature of the book.

By reading the book, focus, and stability of doing something produces which is healthy for student’s mind, so it is a must-read book for students.

7. You Are Born To Blossom

This book was published in 2008 by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam and Arun Tiwari. The book indicates the uniqueness of every child and brought out hidden talents. The book talks about the education system and the need of a newly designed education system that meets the requirements of present times. It comes up with solutions to most of the questions raised in one’s mind.

The book’s entire theme is upon the individuality of every child; it is a worthy book to read for students.

8. You Can

You Can by George Matthew Adams, published in 2014, is a rich source of motivation, which assures you that you can do anything; the book mainly talks about willfulness and fulfillment. The book focuses on promoting self-growth and having a creative vision for the future.

It accelerates self-realization and the ability to work on you. The impact of thoughts and teachings will work along the journey of reading the book, making it a perfect pick for motivation seekers.

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9. The Secret

The Secret by Rhonda Byre, published in 2006, is also a self-help book that signifies your character in your own life. The basic belief of the book is on the Law of Attraction and the positive thoughts.

The book remarks on the consumption of thoughts as reality, again rousing the readers’ curiosity. The book is filled with anecdotes, testimonials, and practical advice. The book follows the agenda of unlocking the myths of your own. It is a nice book for students.

10. A Story of Struggle

A Story of Struggle is a life story novel by Ashok Kumawat, published in 2020. It is a mild inspiring storybook that inspires readers to succeed. When a 17-year-old boy’s struggle starts there, the story goes with the flow to mildness, his failure, and his comeback with skilled and talented behavior, inspiring its readers to achieve something they could cherish their whole life.

The book is the perfect example of gentleness and calm nature, which makes it a good one for fiction lovers as it gives motivation to succeed; it is also a good pick for students who prefer fiction over non-fiction.

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