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Coded blood Relation Questions Answers pdf for bank exam 2024-2025

Blood Relation For All Banking Exams | Reasoning for SBI PO 2024

Coded blood relation is simple blood relation in the coded form. It is similar to the questions of coded distance and direction. In this article, we are sharing a Coded blood Relation Questions Answers pdf.

This question banks consists of 15 questions with 3 parts of different codes

1-4. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.


‘A # B’ means that B is the daughter of A

‘A @ B’ means that B is the Father of A,

 ‘A & B’ means that B is the sister of A,

 ‘A + B’ means that B is the son of A,

 ‘A $ B’ means that B is the brother of A,

‘A % B’ means that B is the mother of A,

1. In A$B@C#D%E&F, how is ‘A’ related to ‘E’?

  1. Son
  2. Uncle
  3. Father
  4. Brother-in-law
  5. Cannot be determined

2. In A$B@C#D%E&F, how is ‘C’ related to ‘E’?

  1. Husband
  2. Uncle
  3. Father
  4. Brother-in-law
  5. Cannot be determined

3. A$B@C#D%E&F, how is ‘F related to ‘B’?

  1. Son
  2. Uncle
  3. Father
  4. Brother-in-law
  5. Cannot be determined

4. In Z&Y%X$V@W, how is ‘Y’ related to ‘W’?

  1. Mother
  2. Sister
  3. Uncle
  4. Niece
  5. None of these

5-12. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.


A $ B means A is the father of B

A @ B means A is the mother of B

A ∞B means A is the husband of B

A *B means A is the wife of B

A ¥B means A is the brother of B

A &B means A is the sister of B

A ∑ B means A is the son of B

A # B means A is the daughter of B

A * B means A is the aunt of B

5. Which of the following statement means M is the father-in-law of P ?

  1. M*N#O$P@Q
  2. M$O@Q#P$N
  3. N@M#O$P*Q
  4. N@M#O$P@Q
  5. None of these

6. Which of the following statement is true about the given expression, A*B$C&D*E?

  1. B is the mother of D
  2. A is the husband of B
  3. C is the mother sister-in-law of E
  4. B is the mother-in-law of E
  5. None of these

7. In the given expression, ‘L&M*N#O@Y’, How is L related to P?

  1. Daughter-in-law
  2. Mother
  3. Aunt
  4. Sister-in-law
  5. None of these

8. Which of the following expression is true if R is the son-in-law of P?

  1. P$Q@S#R$T
  2. P&Q@R*S#T
  3. P*R$S&Q@T
  4. P@Q$R&S*T
  5. R#Q@S&P*T

9. How is B related to C, if A@B&C*D$E ?

  1. Father
  2. Father-in-law
  3. Mother
  4. Aunt
  5. Sister

10. Which of the following statements is not true if ‘ A∑B&C#D*E$F∞G’ is true?


  1. A is nephew of F
  2. G is aunt of A
  3. D is grandmother of A
  4. C is daughter-in-law of B
  5. All are correct

11. In the expression ‘A∞B#C¥D#E*F ’, how is F related to A?

  1. Grand Mother-in-law
  2. Brother-in-la
  3. Grand Father-in-law
  4. Sister-in-law
  5. Son-in-law

12. Fill the blanks to establish that A is the niece of F in
‘A_ B ∞C # D * E _F’ in same order

  1. # , %
  2. ∞, @
  3. #, $
  4. !,$
  5. #,#

13-15. Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.


A $ B means A is the father of B

A @ B means B is the mother of A

A *B means A is the wife of B

A &B means A is the sister of B

A # B means B is the daughter of A

13. In A*B$C#D@E&F, How is ‘C’ related to ‘F’?

  1. Son
  2. Daughter
  3. Father
  4. Brother-in-law
  5. Cannot be determined

14. In A*B$C#D@E&F, How is ‘C’ related to ‘E’?

  1. Mother
  2. Husband
  3. Sister
  4. Daughter
  5. Uncle

15. In A&B@C*D$E, How is ‘B’ related to ‘E’?

  1. Sister
  2. Uncle
  3. Brother
  4. Niece
  5. Cannot be determined


  1. 5
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 5
  5. 2
  6. 3
  7. 4
  8. 1
  9. 4
  10. 4
  11. 3
  12. 3
  13. 4
  14. 2
  15. 5

Click Here To Download Coded blood Relation Questions Answers pdf for SBI PO & IBPS


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